Car Accidents
Choose A Firm That Will Stand Firm In Your Car Accident Case!
Louisiana saw an average of 133.9 injury
related crashes per day in 2016.
– Highway Safety Research Group (HSRG)
Most people correctly believe that if they are involved in a vehicle accident where they are not at fault, the fault party’s insurance company will pay for their damaged vehicle and their injuries associated with the accident. This is a correct assertion but not a complete one. The insurance companies can also be required to pay for lost wages from the injured party’s job, physical therapy costs, the costs associated with caring for the injured party’s home, future medical bills, and any bills that become delinquent because of the inability of the injured party to work.
There is no magic or consistent time period for which a case should be completed and funds be released to the injured party. The insurance companies will always offer the injured party a small amount of compensation early on, in hopes that the injured party will accept that small amount and leave. The reason insurance companies continuously operate in this way is because their goal is to make money for their company by minimizing their liabilities. That’s Right…..The insurance companies consider you as a liability. The insurance companies know that there can be long lasting effects of your injuries and their goal is to settle the case as quickly as possible so that your future medical bills will not have to be a part of any negotiations.
In these instances, it is very important that you retain an attorney that is not passive or anti-controversy. You should hire an attorney that is willing to advocate for your best interest in the face of “Big Insurance”.
What Should You Do If You’re In A Car Accident?
When an accident happens, injuries may be severe and emotions high. However, there are important things to do at the scene of the accident and soon afterward. Below is a list of things to do after an accident, if possible.
Stay at the Scene
Check on All Drivers and Passengers before assessing property damage
Call the Police if there is excessive damage or if someone is injured
Exchange Information including names, numbers, addresses, driver’s license numbers, license plate numbers, and basic insurance information from all drivers involved.
Talk to Witnesses. Get their names, numbers, or addresses, if possible.
Inform Your Insurance Company that you’ve been in an accident. Explain the facts clearly.
Keep Track of Your Medical Treatment. Medical expenses are relatively easy to document, but pain and suffering is trickier to prove. Keep a record of how your injuries have impacted your daily life.
Take photographs of any damage to your vehicle as soon as possible after the accident. Pictures of your car before the accident can offer a great “compare and contrast” to show the true extent of the damage sustained in the accident.
Obtain your insurance company’s damage valuation. If you aren’t satisfied with how your insurance company has valued your vehicle, don’t give up. Get two independent repair estimates or replacement quotes.
Use Caution in Discussing the Incident. Don’t talk to anyone about the accident other than your lawyer, your insurance company, and the police.
Be Wary of Early Settlement Offers! Don’t settle a claim until you know you’ll be compensated for all your injuries, and consult an attorney before signing any settlement documents.
Consider Hiring an Attorney: Call the Stephens Law Firm Today!
If anyone was injured in the accident, it’s best to consult an experienced attorney. An attorney can help you maximize your recovery if you’re injured or better defend yourself if you’re at fault.